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Brushtail possums


Brushtail possums as pests

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Brushtails are a native animal and, in many locations, are the last representatives of the rich marsupial fauna for which Australia is famous.  However, brushtails can be a pest if one is trying to encourage birds.  As with every other pest, deterrence is the best strategy.  This site describes some of our experiences - note possum defeats man every time.

Simplistic.  Our first attempt, made from fine weldmesh. They must have giggled.


Flaps.  This consisted of pieces of metal flashing screwed to the sides of the box and the front of the lid.  Originally the piece screwed to the lid was vertical but the possums rearranged it to its present horizontal position - presumably easier to get in like this.


Photography by Ewa & Tim Meyer.

Walk the plank.  This idea involved 200mm of 100mm diameter PVC sewer pipe.  A bed of gangnails was fitted to the top of the pipe (eg the only flattish portion of the pipe).  The possum had to do a somersault at the end to enter the pipe.  Easy

The bed of nails. The lid is totally covered with upturned gangnails.  Most possums enter a box from the lid, so if you can't get onto the lid, you won’t access the box.

We learned that possums possess a coat remarkable in its durability and that a lid embellished with nails elevates a simple grooming session to something approaching ecstasy. They loved it.




The shroud.  The latest idea, being trialled at present.  There are two parts to a trial - will it keep possums out and will a bird go anywhere near such a contraption. 

While it is fine to look at the light side of this, the absence of an effective possum guard is robbing many towns and cities of lots of beautiful birds.  Where I live, rosellas are in steep decline because possums are monopolising all potential breeding hollows and even rainbow lorikeets, arguably as aggressive a bird as one could find, are appearing in ever-smaller flocks.




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