Australian animals, tree hollows and nestboxes
Australian topics
Nankeen kestrel
Eastern pygmy possum
Green tree frog
Microbats general
Batboxes in
Organ Pipes National Park
Gould's wattled bat
Chocolate wattled bat
Large-footed myotis
Bats, Mosquitoes and Dollars
Can rosellas smell? |
work done by the Friends
of Organ Pipes National Park in Victoria deserves special mention.
The site was initially barren, with virtually all trees being
planted. Subsequently some batboxes were installed and the site
now supports a vigorous bat population based solely on batboxes.
More details are available at http://home.vicnet.net.au/~foopnp/.
The original
batbox was based on a
British design by Robert Stebbings and S.T. Walsh. Essential details are illustrated
adjacent. The dimensions shown are internal.
The bats enter from below. The rear board
below the entrance acts as a landing pad and they crawl up into a narrow slit. The
width of the entrance slit seems to be important. For Gould's wattled bat, they have
found that 15mm is the optimum width. For the two Forest bats, 12mm is the preferred

using ply or any other material with a smooth surface, you must do something to allow the
bats to get a grip. The original design used horizontal saw cuts but we have found
that scouring well with a glass cutter also works.
In Victoria the bats change their maternity
colonies almost nightly. Whether this applies elsewhere remains to be seen, but that
behaviour suggests that boxes in clusters might work better than single boxes.
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