


Product range:
Pale-headed rosella
Eastern rosella
Rainbow lorikeet
Scaly-breasted lorikeet
Dollar bird
Boobook owl
Brushtail possum
Brushtail vertical
Ringtail possum
Squirrel glider
Sugar glider

Ringtail possum nestbox

ozbox4.gif (658 bytes)

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Ringtails are quite capable of building their own nest - a collection of twigs and leaves curled into a football-sized ball and positioned in a fork of a tree or palm. The name given to a ringtail nest is a drey.

Unfortunately, dreys offer little protection against the large numbers of crows that are increasingly found in cleared areas.

We have had many reports of crows demolishing dreys, with several instances of them snatching and carting off young ringtails. Even the adult ringtails suffer terribly from attack once they are left in the open.

If provided with the opportunity to use a hollow, ringtails will often build their nest inside. The presence of nest material is a sure way to identify ringtail use, since brushtails are distinctly lazy when it comes to furnishings.

We have recently moved away from a single design for both brushtails and ringtails, after finding that the larger possums exclude ringtails from large boxes.  We originally offered both a horizontal and a vertical design, but it seems that they prefer the latter.  The dimensions illustrated are for a rear-entry box and are still relatively generous for ringtails. Ringtails often have two young, and these stay with their mother until they reach a size similar to an adult.


Where there are brushtails in an area, the entrance should be fitted with a reinforcing plate to stop it being enlarged by chewing.  Nevertheless, a small brushtail can still fit into this box.




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