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Brushtail possum
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Squirrel glider
Sugar glider

Sugar glider nestbox

ozbox4.gif (658 bytes)

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The sugar glider is one of the most widely distributed of all possums, occurring along the eastern seaboard, across the north to W.A. and in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

It is very similar to the squirrel glider but about half the weight.   Sugar gliders can interbreed with squirrel gliders.

su_glider.pcx (143426 bytes)

There are many documented instances where sugar gliders have used nestboxes and they take to them readily.  In one instance five boxes to the design illustrated below were installed at two sites known to have sugar gliders.  They were checked 33 days later.  At one site, one box contained 2 gliders while the other contained a rudimentary glider nest.  At the other site, one box contained 5-6 gliders, a second 2 gliders and the third box contained ants.  By any measure, this is an amazing take-up rate.

One reason that these boxes are so popular may be that the entrance is positioned at the rear of the box, between the box and the trunk.   The mounting that we use causes the box to sit away from the trunk, so a rear entrance works well.  The original reason for this was to minimise competition from birds although the entrance size is too small for most birds anyway.

The box illustrated is the same as our Squirrel glider box.  

Where both sugar and squirrel gliders occur in the one area, the latter will tend to monopolise the boxes.  In these situations the entrance should be reduced to about 25mm diameter.


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