Product range:
Pale-headed rosella
Eastern rosella
Rainbow lorikeet
Scaly-breasted lorikeet
Dollar bird
Boobook owl
Brushtail possum
Brushtail vertical
Ringtail possum
Squirrel glider
Sugar glider
will camp in any space that they can fit into, including most designs of nestbox.
Our standard possum box is a horizontal design. This has the following advantages over the usual
vertical box:
much greater floor
much greater usable volume
easier and more interesting
to monitor
- more air circulation for hot days

A horizontal possum box offers room for a youngster to play

... and for them both to sleep
when he gets big.
originally used the same box for both brushtails and ringtails, with ringtail use being
distinguished by the nest, or drey, that they build inside. Where the population of possums
is not artificially inflated through being fed they will have quite large territories, and
in those situations the one box might be used alternately by both brushtails and
The 110 diameter
entrance is needed to cater for a brushtail mum
with a large young in the pouch.
The box illustrated is
somewhat different to that shown in the photo, the result of a series of improvements over
several years. The box is now larger, with the entrance raised above the floor for
privacy. The platform at the front aids entry, especially when a mother has young.

A cheaper form
of nestbox is also available for brushtails. This one is a vertical
Click here for
information on prices.
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