


Product range:
Pale-headed rosella
Eastern rosella
Rainbow lorikeet
Scaly-breasted lorikeet
Dollar bird
Boobook owl
Brushtail possum
Brushtail vertical
Ringtail possum
Squirrel glider
Sugar glider

Galah nestbox

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Galahs have used our Rosella box on many occasions. In fact, after chewing a large enough entrance for themselves, several have even bred in the smaller Lorikeet box. They seem to be able to regulate their clutch size to suit the dimensions of the hollow.

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Galahs are hugely entertaining birds, and they are delightful to observe when breeding. They are not nearly as noisy and disruptive as when they are being fed, and hence providing a nestbox is an unobtrusive way to attract them and keep them around (although if multiple pairs of galahs are breeding in the same area, the creches that they form for the young are far from unobtrusive).

That said, there are some negative aspects to attracting galahs. For a start, there is no shortage of them; in fact, galahs are extending their range at a considerable rate and are probably competing successfully with other native hollow-users.

One of the most disturbing aspects of having galahs breed in a box is that they can cause extensive damage to the box. On one occasion a box was totally destroyed within two weeks of installation.  On rare occasions they can also attack the tree, chiselling off the sapwood in a way worthy of any professional wood carver (and even ringbarking the tree).

Galahs breed quite successfully in our Rosella box but probably prefer the larger Boobook owl box.  With galahs, it is advisable to select a long-life nestbox.

The sketch shows the dimensions of our boobook owl box.

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