Product range:
Pale-headed rosella
Eastern rosella
Rainbow lorikeet
Scaly-breasted lorikeet
Dollar bird
Boobook owl
Brushtail possum
Brushtail vertical
Ringtail possum
Squirrel glider
Sugar glider
lorikeets will readily take to nestboxes. However acceptance can be patchy.
At the end of the 1996/97 breeding season we surveyed 37 lorikeet boxes to determine
the factors that influenced usage. The one factor that had an overwhelming bearing was
proximity to an existing parrot breeding site. Boxes within 50m of an existing breeding
site had an 80% take-up in the first year, dropping to 25% for those boxes greater than
50m away.

Lorikeet boxes therefore tend to be more successful if positioned in
clusters, preferably sited near old gums with hollows.
They will use a larger box and also a box with a larger entrance, but seem to prefer
the smaller box. This does seem strange since many pairs will spend most nights of the
year in the box, whether or not they are breeding.
Rainbow lorikeets
compete with other parrots, particularly with rosellas, for nest sites. They are a very
aggressive bird and invariably win.
Since they are
probably the most common parrot across much of their range, some discretion should be used
in encouraging them.
It would probably be inappropriate, for example, to place clusters of
nestboxes in an area which is the stronghold of rosellas, as this will tend to encourage
lorikeets at the expense of the rosellas.
The sketch shows the
dimensions which we have found most suitable for rainbow lorikeets. Larger dimensions have
also been found to be satisfactory. |

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