Product range:
Pale-headed rosella
Eastern rosella
Rainbow lorikeet
Scaly-breasted lorikeet
Dollar bird
Boobook owl
Brushtail possum
Brushtail vertical
Ringtail possum
Squirrel glider
Sugar glider
We use only a single box for
lorikeets, and that design has had wide success with rainbows. While the same design has
been used by scaly-breasted lorikeets, the numbers involved have been much smaller. The
scaly is a smaller bird and would probably use a smaller box with a smaller entrance. On
the other hand, we have had scaly's use several of the larger rosella boxes, so size does
not seem to be of great importance. While the numbers of scaly's using boxes is much less
than the number of rainbows, usage is probably proportional to the relative size of the
populations of the two birds in south-east Queensland.

Apparently the
scaly was originally much more prolific than it is now, and the decline in their numbers
has been matched by an increase in the numbers of rainbow lorikeets. The scaly is
predominately a bird of the rural landscape with a fairly specialised diet, and it is
likely that the decline is due more to a change in land use than a shortage of hollows. Reference: Christine Cannon (1984) "The diet of
lorikeets Trichoglossus ssp in the Queensland-New South Wales border region", Emu
84, 16-22.
The sketch shows the
dimensions which we have found most suitable for rainbow lorikeets, and which seems to
work well with scaly-breasted lorikeets. Larger dimensions have also been found to be
satisfactory. |
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